
Showing posts from January, 2021

Antony Perez - Presentation Thoughts/Reflections

 Group #1 SPC 1017-5954 Antony Perez Thoughts On The Presentation:      Knowing we were the first group to present I can’t say I wasn’t nervous, but I was which made the situation a bit worst for me. After a while I got over it and just rolled with it like it was nothing like every feeling I had before just went away and I was a completely different person. Britney was so kind to invite us to a zoom meeting call after the blackboard meeting to talk about the project and what each person had to do before the due date. I’m the typical shy, quiet, nervous, and sometimes turns red type of guy so it was a challenge for me to talk and meet my teammates. We made a Whatsapp group chat and then went to the zoom meeting and then went from partners to friends which were the following people Alex , Brianna , Agustin , Britney , Camila , Alison , Arturo , Alfredo , and Amalimar  in like a couple of minutes everyone was clicking with each other, bonding, and together as one big unit of a team. I can

Amalimar's Reflection on presentations

 Amalimar Ferreira  Group #1 Professor Sherry Sinkoff- SPC 1017-59542      To start off, I can see not a lot of us like to present. I tried very hard to avoid taking a speech class for a long time because of how much I dislike to present ever since high school. I'm extremely shy and I was afraid I would stutter or not say the right things. I thought I wouldn't have much to say either but as I spoke to my group and practiced on my own I believed I could do it even if it was going to be a short presentation. I was scared the moment I found out I was in Group 1, the first group to present. My group decided to do zoom calls to get to know each other so that we could be comfortable enough to help each other through our worries. It was a great experience and I hope we can have the same teamwork for the next presentation.                                                                                                                                                                      

Thoughts on Presentations

Opinions & Thoughts on the Group Presentations        This was our very first presentation this semester for this class and I think it went fairly well for everyone. Obviously, there were students that have experience when it comes to public speaking, as a result, they don't get as nervous making it easier for them, it can also be said that there were people that have little to nothing when it comes to experience in public speaking, regardless of that everyone did fantastically!  Group 1 Presentation I was apart of group one and I think we presented wonderfully. Although we had slight issues getting the audio to work on our videos, I'd like to say everything else was perfect. We all hit it off pretty well, after first being put into a group right after the class had finished we launched up a zoom meeting call and started to discuss how we were going to set up the project. Soon after we all just started talking and we all got along fairly well, and I think that chemistry is

Brianna's Reflection on the Presentations

THOUGHTS ON GROUP PRESENTATIONS: I think I can speak for most of us when I say that we all were pretty nervous for this assignment. For a couple of us, this was our first time fully researching, writing, and presenting a speech, especially for a college course. That being said, it can be pretty nerve wracking, especially for the more quiet and shy ones. With that being said, I would love to share my thoughts on my classmate’s presentations… ✨ GROUP 1 PRESENTATION: ✨ I may be slightly biased in saying this, considering that I am a part of Group One, but I think we did very well. We were pretty nervous about presenting first, considering that we would also be the first group to do so, but I feel like this just pushed us to put in more effort. All of us got to know each other a bit when discussing the distribution of the assignment, and I feel like we are really good at communicating our needs/concerns to each other. I believe we all worked exceptionally well together at distributing the

Alison Torrez- Reflection on the presentations

Alison Torrez/group 1 SPC 1017-5954                                                 Reflection on the presentations                     Presenting has never been a very pleasant experience for me, is does not leave a good taste In your mouth, your heart beat rises, and your hands are sweaty. I simply don’t like that feeling. I am not a shy person when you get to know me. And although I was nervous jut like the rest of the class we all presented amazingly, and quick (emphasis on quick) we pretty much just wanted to end as soon as possible and felt relieved when it was over.             Group#1   It was an overall friendly group. I like how we all have similar taste yet so different from one another. They were all very supportive and tried to cheer for everyone while they were presenting which make it feel very heart warming and also less pressured. Everyone was respectful and responsible, which make it easier to work together. They were also very creative, with their slides I have to sa

ArturoBada's Blog

   To begin with, all the presentations were excellent, it was clear to me and the class that every individual in each individual group took their time and effort into concocting the best presentation possible. Each of the groups gave detailed information regarding the topic of the chapters they were assigned. I felt that I learn something important just by listening and watching the graphs and pictures of each presenter. The first group was group 1, this was my group and we covered all the topics from chapter 3. The chapter's topic was Intercultural Communication. It covered themes such as cultural identity, race, sex and religion, socioeconomic status, etc. I believe my group did an excellent job of providing images, data, and a cohesive PowerPoint that provided our classmates with a clear understanding of the contents of the chapter. Moreover, our group talked about the difference in cultures. We showed the differences in masculinity and feminity in culture and how time differs

Britney Perozo Presentation Thoughts

Britney Perozo/ Group 1 Professor Sherry Sinkoff- SPC 1017-5954   Reflections on Presentation:   When we first started this project all I can think of was that I was going to mess up when it's my turn to present my part of the project. I have always disliked presenting in front of people because I feel like I'm being judged when I speak since when I'm nervous I talk to fast. Even though I'm nervous I tried the best I could when presenting and gave it all my effort. Anothering to was to work with new people I have never met but everyone in my group are really nice people to work with.          Group 1: Chapter 3-   My thoughts on Group 1, which was the group I was in, we put didn't put a lot on pressure on ourselves and took our time with the project even though we didn't have a lot of time to complete it.  Honestly, I had fun with my slide and having my little "Britney" on it and incorporated one of the hobbies on it which is being a K-pop stan.  The w

Alfredo's Reflection on the presentations

Group A SPC 1017 5945  Reflection on the Chapters 3, 9, and 10 Presentations As a person who doesn't like doing presentations in the first place, it's really hard for me to act casual inside while explaining my assignment. I have always grown up to be a shy introvert first, then an energetic extrovert once you get to know me better as a person. Maybe you don't see me like that because I'm usually a quiet person, but seeing everyone trying their hardest in their work motivates me to express myself more as an individual. I genuinely enjoyed everyone's presentation in the class. Everyone was formal and meaningful about their topics in the chapter, with some niche things that I will explain in the paragraphs. Without further ado, this is my blog detailing our class presentations of Chapters 3, 9, and 10. Chapter 3 Group: In the case of my group, they were pretty laid back about it and presented it in their own ways. I like Britney's lecture especially since she adde

Camila Rodriguez - Reflection on the Presentations

Camila Rodriguez/ Group 1  January 29, 2021 Professor Sherry Sinkoff- SPC 1017-5954 Reflection on the Presentations When Professor Sherri said we had a presentation, I have to admit that I was very nervous, the thought of having to present in front of the entire class was freaking me out. I am a very shy person and even though I was not able to see student’s faces, my nervousness wasn’t going away. Regardless of how nervous and anxious I was I still presented and tried my best as well as the rest of my classmates from each group. In group one, which was the one I was in, we had to present chapter three. In order for us to organize the team, we created a group chat and attended to a zoom meeting in which we assigned a topic for each individual and a presentation order. Once each of us knew what to do, a person created a power point and named all slides in order, so everyone knew where to place their information. When the day of the presentation came, we had some obstacles when playing

Agustin Sosa - Presentation Thoughts

Group 1 SPC 1017-5954 Agustin Sosa Reflection on Chapters 3, 9, and 10 Presentations     Knowing that we would have an upcoming presentation, all I had in mind was fear. I'm a very shy person who very rarely likes to speak up even when it comes to having conversations with friends. I deal with a lot of anxiety so whenever I think of a presentation and knowing I'll have to speak in front of a whole class and be judged on whether what I had said was good or not, I always get flustered. Luckily, being online and not having to see everyone's faces helps ease my nerves. However, being able to work in a group of people and getting to know each other helped me open up and feel more confident about doing this activity. Seeing how most of us are in quarantine, having new people to talk to and collaborate with was definitely exciting! I even got to make some new friendships out of these presentations. It made me motivated and enthusiastic about what other assignments and activities