Brianna's Reflection on the Presentations


I think I can speak for most of us when I say that we all were pretty nervous for this assignment. For a couple of us, this was our first time fully researching, writing, and presenting a speech, especially for a college course. That being said, it can be pretty nerve wracking, especially for the more quiet and shy ones. With that being said, I would love to share my thoughts on my classmate’s presentations…


I may be slightly biased in saying this, considering that I am a part of Group One, but I think we did very well. We were pretty nervous about presenting first, considering that we would also be the first group to do so, but I feel like this just pushed us to put in more effort. All of us got to know each other a bit when discussing the distribution of the assignment, and I feel like we are really good at communicating our needs/concerns to each other. I believe we all worked exceptionally well together at distributing the work equally and preparing a well-researched and presented speech, with topics we all felt passionate about, including some of us like Alex and Britney personalizing their slides with gifs of things they enjoyed. Our speech was well prepared and rehearsed, with several informational images and videos shared in order to breakdown our topics even more. I also feel that we all really embodied the term “teamwork”, having certain members like Agustin and Antony offering some assistance to those of us who weren’t as familiar with the PowerPoint program. In the end, everyone did their part, helping the others along the way. I truly believe we completed the assignment to the best of our abilities and make a great team.


In my opinion, Group Two's presentation was very easy to understand, simple yet engaging. They all seemed to know and have researched the topic they each were presenting, using visuals to facilitate grasping the subject. Group Two presented chapter nine, which provides several complex topics, such as social groups, pseudo-conflict, and virtual groups. The chapter contained topics which we are actually experiencing right now, including our virtual education. This presentation was very well thought out, visually pleasing, and their explanations were very thorough. Only thing I think might've made their slides better, would be if they were less wordy and contained more images or videos. You can tell they really took the time to research and prepare their speech. I overall really enjoyed their PowerPoint, as well as their speech, and think they did a great job.


I really enjoyed Group Three's presentation! I found that it was very well researched, and they used a lot of examples throughout their speech, in order to make the topics a lot easier to understand. Their presentation slides were visually pleasing and contained very educational videos that really broke down the topics at hand. I was particularly taken with two of the members that managed to present their own slides, plus the slides of two other members that were missing. I  really liked the synergy of Group Three, considering that some members had to take on a part of their presentation that wasn't their own, in order to help out the ones who were sadly unable to attend class that day.


I found that all the groups did 
extremely well. All the topics were
very well presented and the slides were all very informative. Personally, I especially enjoyed all the videos provided by the groups, as they made
everything a lot easier to understand. For our first speech, we did pretty good, and I hope we do better as we continue!

Looking forward to our next presentation!

-Brianna (Group 1)
Professor Sinkoff

Couldn't have asked for a better group!


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