Thoughts on Presentations

Opinions & Thoughts on
the Group Presentations

     This was our very first presentation this semester for this class and I think it went fairly well for everyone. Obviously, there were students that have experience when it comes to public speaking, as a result, they don't get as nervous making it easier for them, it can also be said that there were people that have little to nothing when it comes to experience in public speaking, regardless of that everyone did fantastically! 

Group 1 Presentation

I was apart of group one and I think we presented wonderfully. Although we had slight issues getting the audio to work on our videos, I'd like to say everything else was perfect. We all hit it off pretty well, after first being put into a group right after the class had finished we launched up a zoom meeting call and started to discuss how we were going to set up the project. Soon after we all just started talking and we all got along fairly well, and I think that chemistry is what helped us excel when it came to coming together to assemble the PowerPoint presentation. Everyone has prepared notes to help them if they got lost presenting and truly everyone did fantastically. Some people had more experience than others when it came to public speaking in our group and some people were nervous, the people that were more comfortable with speaking to public groups gave the others pointers that helped them out when it came to the actual presentation and I'd like to think those pointers worked in the long run.

Group 2 Presentation

I was very impressed with how group 2 handled their assignment. They demonstrated that they researched the information and retained the knowledge. They set up their PowerPoint presentation in a fantastic way that made it educational and engaging. They tackled topics that can be applied to our current day lives. Topics relating to social groups and even our current remote learning education were spoken about in their presentation and in all, it was done in a great way. Like I said this group found a way to present a topic that could be boring but they made it captivating, it engaged the listener making them want to pay more attention. I was left very satisfied when they were done. I have no complaints.

Group 3 Presentation

I found group 3's presentation to be extremely educational and attention-catching. They understood the material that they had to present like it was the back of their hand and they understood how to make it entertaining. It was very clear that they knew the material, some group members had to present for others that weren't able to present and they did that as if it were no trouble. This group showed that they understood the topic at hand and excelled in my opinion. 

In Conclusion

In the end, I think every group did absolutely fantastic. They demonstrated that they understood the topics and knew how to present them to their classmates. The PowerPoint presentations were designed well to have them look nice while also engaging the listener using memes, gifs, and videos. Each Video used was filled with information that helped understand the topic better. Everyone learned from this experience in which. they will use this learned knowledge in the next presentation to make it better than this one. 

-Alex Alvarez
SPC 1017-5945


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